
November 2017

November Mood Board on Modern Stripes

November is finally upon us AND it’s beginning to look a lot like themostwonderfultimeoftheyear and as a total festive season fanatic, I for one couldn’t be more excited!

This year has been quite the doozy for me as far as self-exploration, finding happiness and getting inspired for my future goes… and as my “gap year” / “quarter-life-crisis” comes to close I’m planning on letting November help me get organized and energized before 2018 is knocking at the door.

The holidays could not come at a better time since spending time with family and gratitude is literally the key to anything in life. Here are a few things I’m very much looking forward to…

cozy nights by the fire with friends and a glass of cabernet

Thanksgiving menu planning

birthday wish lists (dec. 2nd is right around the corner!)

earlier sunsets

the imminent arrival of twinkling lights (and Santa!!)

sweater weather

holiday Hallmark movies with my mom

a birthday trip to San Francisco to visit all of my favorite people <3

Lastly, I’d also really, really like to keep up with my blog and post more often than say “twice” a month. A lot of times I don’t bother to post because I feel like I don’t have something super important to say, but is that always the point? Does every post have to be groundbreaking or could it be beneficial just to share passing thoughts no matter how small? This site means a lot to me because I created it from scratch and from my heart as a place to catalog what inspires and interests me so one day I could look back and see how far I’ve come or even get inspired all over again. This is the start of something new and I’m feeling really exciting about it all 🙂

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