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Little Updates to Transition into Fall on Modern Stripes

Little Updates to Transition into Fall

One could say I’m a sucker for a season change and they would be 100% correct! The arrival of fall is like the gateway into the most wonderful time of the year and I’m always the first in line for pumpkin spice anything. However…

Modern Stripes - San Francisco Home Tour

New Year, Old Home

There’s no feeling like that of a new year! Once the clock strikes midnight it’s as if you can actually breathe in all of the fresh opportunity. Old habits and all the things that drag you down might almost vanish into thin air if…

Spring Cleaning for Real Girls

Spring Cleaning for Real Girls

It’s that time of year – flowers are blooming, the days are longer, the air is crisp, iced coffee is in order and you better be doing some spring cleaning! I feel like it’s just so necessary to put away all of that winter stuff that’s…