
Brown Sugar Mojitos

Most people who know me, friends and family alike, will agree that while I’m not the best chef, I’m a fairly decent bartender (and drinker 😉 )! With my latest career stunt moonlighting as a beverage cart girl on the golf course I must say I have a new found confidence in my mixologist abilities. Therefore I’d like to introduce a new series in celebration of cocktails, favorite wine picks and good ol’ Thirsty Thursday. First up is a summertime specialty of mine – Brown Sugar Mojitos.

Brown Sugar Mojitos on


  • handful of mint leaves
  • juice of 1/2 a lime
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1.5 fluid oz of white rum (my recommendation is Captain Morgan White Rum)
  • 4.5 fluid oz of lime La Croix
  • Ice to fill glass
  • margarita salt to rim glass (not required, just my personal preference and recommendation)

Start by mixing mint leaves, lime juice brown sugar and rum in the bottom of a shaker with a muddler. If you don’t have a muddling tool, feel free to use a fork or spoon. The idea is to kind of pierce the mint leaves in to release the mint flavor. Add ice, La Croix and give it a quick little shake. Pour into a salt rimmed glass and give one more squeeze of lime to the top.


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