
Back in Business

I haven’t written here in a while now. Modern Stripes has always been a passion project for me – an outlet where I could share my favorite finds, travel itineraries and most researched ideas and advice. And if I’m being incredibly honest I think a stopped writing at a point where I wasn’t so sure what lie on the road ahead of me or who I was while walking it. Who was I to be an authority on anything if I didn’t even know what to tell myself?

It sure has been a whirlwind since. In the last two years, I bought a home, adopted my beloved rescue dog, traveled to new countries that expanded my mind, deepened my friendships, taken a real stab at my love of gardening, threw myself into some soul work at a flower shop, loved, lost and gained again, worked in a startup and went down with a company in the mix. Everything, all of the wild twists and turns, has finally brought me back here – exactly where I want to be.

The best way I can explain it is sometimes life leaves you little breadcrumbs that lead to somewhere you didn’t think you were ready to go yet. It was always a dream of mine to expand my freelancing into more than just a weekend side hustle and make it my full-time gig, but I didn’t know how to start. With a few stars aligning and a little luck, life pushed me into it and then overboard with a simple message in my inbox.

The absolutely lovely people at Basic Invite reached out to me about partnering with them to share their stunning stationery lines and I jumped at the chance! They offer a card for almost every major life moment – weddings, showers, birth announcements, birthdays, graduations and more. Even business cards… the last piece I was missing for my brand new career venture. It was kismet…

What I loved most is they had a very extensive selection of business card designs to choose from and then within that, you can personalize the colors, fonts, spacing, everything however you want. I willingly and blissfully spent 2-hours just mulling over every combination of 180 colors possible plus paperweight options. For someone who had been procrastinating this last bit of my career puzzle, I sure was happy to have the opportunity to create a business card I was confident in so easily!

As the ultimate holiday season fanatic (ask my friends!), I fully intend on using their custom holiday card templates to send warm holiday wishes to my loved ones! Now I just need to set aside a few hours with a glass of wine to have fun designing them. (“Fun” being the keyword!)

Special thanks to Basic Invite for partnering with me on this post! I’m really happy we found each other 🙂

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