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Layover in Seoul Home Design on Modern Stripes
Travel Guides

How to Spend a Layover in Seoul

I’ve been meaning to write about my quick little trip to Seoul for a while, but you know… life (& procrastination) happens. Earlier this spring I took a big solo trip across the Pacific to visit a very good friend in Cebu City, Philippines.…

Lady Bird Lake Austin - A Long Weekend in Austin on Modern Stripes
Travel Guides

A Long Weekend in Austin

A large part of my quarter-life-crisis had to do with this ever evolving sense of wanderlust. If you take a look at my Travel board on Pinterest you’ll see about a multitude and massive variety of places I’m dying to see with my own eyes.…

An Ode to Stripes on Modern Stripes

An Ode to Stripes

On this ‘National Stripes Day’ I thought I’d devote a mini moment on Modern Stripes to my love of stripes themselves. It started out simple a shirt here, a notebook there – before I knew it stripes were covering my bedroom, closet and kitchen. Upon…

Tartine Manufactory on Modern Stripes
Travel Guides

Dining at Tartine Manufactory

I’m fortunate enough to have the most lovely friends that let me crash on their couch for a week when I’m feeling a little San Francisco homesick. I’m also very fortunate to have an amazing friend who’s always down to try out the most…

Bedroom Tour on Modern Stripes

Bedroom Tour

In my first post of 2017 I shared the apartment tour from my old home in San Francisco. Since then I’ve been doing a lot of redecorating in my room back in Phoenix. I was so eager to get started that I totally forgot to document…

Palacio Nacional in Mexico City
Travel Guides

A Long Weekend in Mexico City

My family’s first trip of 2017 was to the beautiful Mexico City to attend a wedding. I love traveling abroad and to be dropped in places where you may not immediately understand the language or customs. At first, your brain feels a bit like…

Learning to Meditate with Stop Breathe and Think

Learning to Meditate with Stop, Breathe & Think

I saved my post about the resolutions I made for 2017 until I was sure I could keep them for at least a month! Nothing makes you want to hide under a rock quite like telling the world all of the amazing things you’re going to…

Modern Stripes - San Francisco Home Tour

New Year, Old Home

There’s no feeling like that of a new year! Once the clock strikes midnight it’s as if you can actually breathe in all of the fresh opportunity. Old habits and all the things that drag you down might almost vanish into thin air if…

Making Goals on Pinterest - Modern Stripes

How I’m Making Goals on Pinterest

The weekends are always a great time to relax and unwind. One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday morning is to lay in bed, all bundled up, scrolling through Pinterest. It’s the perfect little dose of inspiration whether it be for outfits…

Why You Should Indulge in Simple Pleasures on Modern Stripes

Why You Should Indulge in Simple Pleasures

Life get’s stressful. Weeks fade into months which then fade into years and you’re hoping at the very least you remember what you did on a few of the Fridays in there. This month I have been a little on edge, a little stressed,…