
An Ode to Stripes

On this ‘National Stripes Day’ I thought I’d devote a mini moment on Modern Stripes to my love of stripes themselves. It started out simple a shirt here, a notebook there – before I knew it stripes were covering my bedroom, closet and kitchen. Upon realizing it, my roommate and I thought it was rather hysterical. I was dealing with an actual and gradual unconscious obsession.

Last year when I decided to build a new blog I had been brainstorming names for days and dayssss. Nothing was resonating. Nothing sounded right and I was getting so frustrated (we’ve all been there) to the point that I wanted to give up the project all together… that was until I got a midday text from my roommate with a epiphany – “what about calling it ‘Modern Stripes’? You LOVE stripes!!” 

I’ll forever have to thank her because she helped shine a light on something that I already love and naturally gravitate towards. Without her little text I wouldn’t be writing this today AND I wouldn’t be so excited to celebrate National Stripes Day ?

So without further or do, enjoy a little stripes-themed montage…

An Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern StripesAn Ode to Stripes on Modern Stripes

Obviously these images are not my own, but you can find them, their sources & many more here on my ‘stripes’ Pinterest board!

Happy #NationalStripesDay. xx

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