
Why You Should Indulge in Simple Pleasures

Life get’s stressful. Weeks fade into months which then fade into years and you’re hoping at the very least you remember what you did on a few of the Fridays in there. This month I have been a little on edge, a little stressed, and lacking creativity. Turns out all I really needed was a good dose of alone time to unwind and indulge.

It all started one Friday on my walk home from work. I stopped in at Williams- Sonoma because there was this marble cheese board I had my eye on for the past few months and today was the day to take that baby home! (I also snagged a stemless red wine glass – not because I needed it, but because their Open Kitchen Collection offers inexpensive and really nice items.)

At home, I put together a cheese board (with my new marble beauty), poured a big glass of red wine, and turned on a documentary. I felt fancy and like I was finally “treating myself” after all the hard work that had stressed me out in the first place. It’s amazing how a night so simple could spark so much joy and renewed energy. After that evening followed by a pleasant afternoon at a coffee shop, I felt ready to tackle life again come Monday.

Moral of the story – sometimes all you need is to take some time to indulge in a few simple pleasures whether it be a night alone with a big glass of wine and a documentary or finally purchasing the special item you have your eye on (or in my case both)!

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