Travel Guides

Weekend Trips North of San Francisco

My roommate and I are looking for a weekend getaway North of San Francisco. Something scenic, something different, something a little inexpensive. Not so sure it exists, but after hours of some curious research I’ve made a little list of some unique contenders that might even work as great day trips if not overnight vacations north of the Bay!

Sea Ranch Lodge - Weekend Trips North of San Franciso on Modern Stripes

Sea Ranch – I’m dying to go here! It’s a small modernist colony along the Northern coast that was built around the natural wildlife as opposed to taking over the landscape. There aren’t a ton of places to stay around the area, but the Sea Ranch Lodge sure does look dreamy… side note: apparently there aren’t any TV’s – anyone looking to unplug with a good book?

Mendocino – a great friend of ours recommended Mendocino as a must-see. A quaint, small, and very scenic town just a couple hours north. This guide from Coastal Living had me googling for an hour!

Indian Springs – A little more on the expensive side, but just about worth it! Think Olympic sized mineral pool where the waters are warm and really good for you. Sit by the pool with on-demand snacks and drink or treat yourself to a mud bath. Indian Springs in one word: Paradise.

Bolinas and Stinson Beach – Last summer my friends and I took a day trip to the Redwoods and made a stop at Bolinas and Stinson Beach on the way home. Bolinas was a cute, little hippie beach town. Their big thing is positioning themselves as “locals only” kind of crowd – aka no tourists allowed which makes it. I personally loved Stinson Beach because it was a little bit bigger with a playground where we got to play some basketball AND there were ice cream shops aplenty – happiness.

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