
Making Feel Good Goals For the Week

Lately I’ve been in a bit of slacker. I stopped writing posts, I stopped taking photos, I stopped reading, I even stopped going to the gym and I’m not even sure why… but if it looks like a rut, smells like a rut, sounds like a rut, and acts like a rut – it’s most likely a rut. Now the question is how do I get out of it?

I came across an idea on Pinterest about making ‘Feel Good Goals’ for the coming week. Sounds simple enough right? Here are four ideas for easy goals that I’m planning to implement into my week!

Making Feel Good Goals for the Week

Meditate – I heard it’s amazing for clearing the mind and also great for helping one better align their goals. I found this great app called Stop, Breathe & Think. They have all different types of meditations. I’ve tried the “Mindful Walk” on my way to work and it was very enlightening. I noticed a lot of things I wouldn’t have otherwise like the weight of my steps, the sky, how the air tastes (yes, it’s a “thing”), my breathing and it was really nice. This week my goal is to be intentional about my sleep by listening to the ‘Falling Asleep’ track every evening once I’m all tucked in.

Go for a run – I really want to get back into fitness, but I know it’s not realistic to hit the pavement and run a seven-mile loop around San Francisco. It’s something that comes around gradually. My favorite short run near my home is over Nob Hill up to Ina Coolbrith Park. The view is to die for! This week the goal is to make it up there at least 3 times.

Create Content – To round out a week of feeling good I want to make sure that I give my blog and Instagram a little TLC. I created this blog as an outlet to talk about and share the things I like. When I’m in a slump or not feeling myself, unfortunately, that is the first thing to go. This week I’m fighting the creative famine by making sure I take in fresh content from my favorite blogs, Instagram profiles, and podcasts in hopes of getting inspired to create my own content.

Use my Spiralizer – this one is a little random, but my mom just got me a Vegetti and I’m super excited about it! Hoping it sparks some healthy eating too.

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