
Spring Cleaning for Real Girls

It’s that time of year – flowers are blooming, the days are longer, the air is crisp, iced coffee is in order and you better be doing some spring cleaning! I feel like it’s just so necessary to put away all of that winter stuff that’s weighing you down and bust out the bright whites.

Where to start though?

  1. A great place to start is to clean your actual home. This past weekend I dusted everything. I’m talking blinds, counters, corners and walls. I vacuumed, swept and did laundry too. If you dedicate a solid 2-3 hours to this step it makes for a perfect base for the rest of your spring cleaning.
  2. I’m a super visual person, so how home is styled really means a lot to me! Sometimes when we are in an environment everyday things start to get a little stale and uninspiring. As part of my “spring refresh” I rearranged the pillows, my shelves and swapped out books and magazines. Result: something so simple as rearranging my current belongings made me feel like I had new belongings which instantly added life to my space.
  3. Next, dive into your closet. Trust me when you get rid of the excess, move warm weather shoes to the front, and heavy jackets to the back it works wonders for getting dressed in the morning. Plus you can also make some money off the goods you want to get rid of! Take a look at apps like Poshmark and Tradesy that make it easy to post and ship your items.

And that’s about it – you should be ready for spring!

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