
The 5 Best Podcasts to Listen to All Day

I’m all for a good playlist, but sometimes listening to music every day on my way to work doesn’t make me feel as productive. My boyfriend will make the argument for the opposite side – he just loves finding and listening to new artists. I however enjoy oldies and Top 40 all the same.

Time is precious and your most valuable commodity. How you spend it matters as much if not more than the food you put in your body. So I choose my time with awesome and inspiring podcasts!

There are so many these days – I swear it’s the new addition to any online persona’s business plan. I’m serious, everyone has one!

Lucky for you, I’ve been around the iTunes Podcasts block and am sharing my favorites below. Have a listen – you’ll be a podcast convert guaranteed!

  • Lady Lovin’ – You guys remember Lo Bosworth from The Hills? Well, nowadays she has an award-winning blog and a podcast with her two HILARIOUS girlfriends. It’s real girl talk with your best gal pals for all that it is – open, honest, a little vulgar and most importantly empowering! Warning: might not be super safe for work, you will LOL.
  • Monocycle – I’m not sure if it’s just me, but something about Leandra Medine from The Man Repeller’s voice is sort of soothing (is that weird?)… most episodes average only 10 minutes, but she offers a lot of intellect as she works herself through life’s questions that, trust me, of us are wondering about already.
  • Serial – If you haven’t heard of Serial I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s a cultural phenomena and a lot of people are addicted. Narrator, Sarah Koenig, takes you through one compelling criminal case a season with interviews, facts and timelines to give you just enough to question things and come back for more each week (or now every other week). Right now they just finished tackling the case with Beau Bergdahl. You’ve already heard about it, but now you can dive deep into the drama of it!
  • Space to Face – I’ve mentioned my fabulous girl boss friend Paige Poppe before and I’ll mention her again! Paige is both and artist based out of Arizona and she records a podcast with her friend Asia a photographer. This duo is awesome because they take you through what it’s like to own your own business and how they’re able to do it.
    Super inspiring and most importantly informational!
  • Adulthood Made Easy – based off of the Real Simple’s (the mag) book The Real Simple Guide to Real Life, twenty-something host Sam Zabell explores all of the topics we 20-somethings are seriously wondering about like making a budget, online dating, buying wine or even what “ghosting” is (I really didn’t know…)!

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